Feb 25, 2019
Mazda Apple CarPlay

It is with excitement that Mazda makes the move to offer Apple CarPlay and Android Auto to earlier models of their vehicles. Cars as far back as 2014 models will have the potential to get these exciting updates. There are certain models that will be able to receive these updates, so contact our dealership to see if your Mazda qualifies.

What will this update offer Mazda vehicle owners?

Apple CarPlay makes so many different options you have while driving into a more seamless, safer process. When a vehicle with a screen is equipped with Apple CarPlay, you have touch screen possibilities to make and receive calls and messages, listen to your favorite music, or get directions to wherever you need to go. The integration that is possible is astounding. If there are knobs that control your car, they will control Apple CarPlay. The touchscreens are integrated, but the voice control your car may have will be able to listen as well.

When using maps, Apple CarPlay has the ability to take addresses from messages and emails to intelligently apply them to your maps. On the opposite side, if you have no clue specifically where you need to go, but know, for example, that you want to go to the closest gas station, Apple CarPlay can get you there. The map feature even lets you know which lane is best to stay in for upcoming turns and gives you the speed limit on screen so you always know that you are in the right range.

It is well known that looking at your phone to message is one of the most dangerous distractions you can do in your car. With Apple CarPlay, it will be as simple as speaking out your messages to send them, or asking to have them read to you if you want to know what you have received.

With messages, calls, maps, and music, there are very important staples that are always along for the ride, but you can add additional apps to get exactly what you want out of the Apple CarPlay experience. If you do not want to use the standard map app, you have choices between Google Maps, Waze, and Baidu as well. These kind of options ensure that you are going to be happy with the unique experience you receive from Apple CarPlay.

Why is it important that Mazda is releasing this update?

Mazda was slower to put Apple CarPlay as standard in their vehicles, but they are unique in the ability to retroactively add it into older cars. This is putting them in a league of their own with the technology. There are now 2019 Mazda models that will have this technology going forward, but there are many older models that can have Apple CarPlay added to guarantee added convenience.

There are criteria to meet, as the models eligible will have to connect their Mazda Connect and HMI Commander systems. If your car is capable of this and is one of the following models, you are ready to head to your dealership and make the update a reality. The Mazda3, Mazda6, Mazda MX – 5, Mazda MX – 5 RF, Mazda CX – 3, Mazda CX – 5, and Mazda CX – 9 are all included in vehicles that could be eligible for the update. The years where it is available are as far back as 2014. If your car fits into these, it is easy to reach out to your dealership and see if you are ready to have Apple CarPlay at your fingertips.

There are many different models of iPhone that are compatible with Apple CarPlay, but if you have an iPhone 5 or newer, you will be ready to go about your day with everything you need at your fingertips. Team Mazda is ready and excited to help you make this update as soon as you are. Call or visit our dealership today to get started.